School of Astronomy (SoA) - Weekly Seminar

Dynamical Black hole Radiation

 Saloumeh Khoeini Moghaddam  (Tarbiat Moallem Univ. & IPM)



weeklyseminars-89-11-20.jspMy talk is based on arXiv:1011.4500  in collaboration with H. Firouzjahi.  We consider a model of DBI inflation where two stacks of mobile branes are moving ultra relativistically in a warped throat. The stack closer to the tip of the throat is annihilated with the background anti-branes while inflation proceeds by the second stack.  The effects of branes annihilation and particles creation during DBI inflation on the curvature perturbations power spectrum and the scalar spectral index are studied. But before going to the main topic I will review K- inflation (hep-th/9904176 &9904075)  and DBI inflation (hep-th/0404084&hep-th/0601099). In K-infation the kinetic term of inflaton field is not trivial which can derive inflation even without potential term. DBI inflation motivated by string theory is a special case of K-inflatin. The distance between branes and anti-branes takes the role of inflaton and the potential term comes from the force between brane and anti-brane which is DBI term.


Wednesday / 09-February -2011 / 20-Bahman-1389/ 2:00 PM

IPM Larak Building-School of Astronomy
Larak Garden, opposite Araj, Artesh Highway,Tehran, Iran
