School of Astronomy (SoA) - Weekly Seminar

Wave Propagation in Solar Spicules: Observation and Theory


By: Hossein Ebadi (Tabriz Univ. )


Wednesday / 20-July-2011 / 29-Tir-1390/ 2:00 PM



IPM Larak Garden - SoA  Building
Larak Garden, opposite Araj, Artesh Highway,Tehran, Iran



Spicules are jet-like structures which are observed in quiet regions of the limb. They are dynamical structures which surrounded by Transition region in chromosphere. Although their dynamical behavior were observed by Doppler shifting of the spicule lines, but recently SOT/Hinode opened new windows to the scientists. I will explain the spicule properties using SOT/Hinode images. The heating of the solar corona is an unanswered question to the solar physics researchers. One of the candidates that can heat the corona and accelerate the solar wind is the transport of the solar energy by spicules. Two kinds of waves can contribute in this phenomenon: Alfven waves and kink waves. I will discuss the properties of these waves and their possibilities in energy transport by SOT/Hinode observations. 
