School of Astronomy (SoA) - Weekly Seminar

Gravitational Lensing; Einstein's Unfinished Symphony

By: Laya Golchin (SUT)


Wednesday / 22-June-2011 / 1-Tir-1390/ 2:00 PM


IPM Larak Building-Seminar Room
Larak Garden, opposite Araj, Artesh Highway,Tehran, Iran


 Orbits in separable potentials are regular and can be represented by an invariant tori in action-angle variables space,this representation of orbits is maximally compact, therefore useful, but many potentials of interest in galactic dynamics are not separable,so no global map from Cartesian to action-angle variables exist for them, though there still exist regular orbits and weakly chaotic ones for which some methods have been invented to find the desired map. these methods are called "Torus Construction".I will introduce  these methods with main focus on the NAFF algorithm which follows by examples that I have carried out by means of it.