School of Astronomy (SoA) - Weekly Seminar 
Study of atmospheric turbulence and wave-front sensing by means of 
moiré deflectometry and their potential applications in astronomical 
    adaptive optics systems

Saifollah Rasouli (IASBS)
  Taking advantages of moiré technique we have developed some different methods with different capabilities to study the atmospheric turbulence and wave-front sensing. In this talk, I will review the moiré based techniques in measuring atmospheric turbulence parameters. Also, an adjustable, high sensitivity, wide dynamic range method for wave-front sensing using moiré deflectometry will be presented. Finally, some potential adaptive optics applications of the proposed methods in astronomy will be presented.

Wednesday / 15-September-2010 / 24-Shahrivar-1389/ 2:00 PM
IPM Larak Building-School of Astronomy
Larak Garden, opposite Araj, Artesh Highway,Tehran, Iran


