School of Astronomy (SoA) - Weekly Seminar
Results of Herschel SpaceTelescope Observations
of M33
Fateme Tabatabaei (Max Planck Institute, Bonn,
At a distance of 840 kpc, M33
is the only nearby, gas rich disk galaxy
that allows a coherent
survey at high spatial resolution. It lacks
Milky Way distance ambiguity, and it is not
as extended and inclined as
the Andromeda galaxy.
The Herschel M33 extended survey, HERM33ES,
is a Key Science Project
observing dust and major gas cooling lines
(notably C+, H2O, O, N+, and
N++) in M33. It aims to study (a) the
phases of the ISM, (b) the energy
balance of the interstellar medium as a
function of galactic environment,
(c) the interplay between the ISM and star
formation, and (d) the
formation of molecular clouds from the
diffuse atomic medium. HERM33ES
has been granted almost 200 hours of
observations with all three
instruments HIFI, PACS, SPIRE onboard the
Herschel space observatory. So
far, FIR/submm continuum observations with
PACS & SPIRE have been
accomplished at 100, 160, 250, 350, and 500
micron. I will present some of
the first results of the HERM33ES project.
/26-May-2010 / 5-Khordad-1389/ 2:00 PM
IPM Larak Building,
School of Astronomy
Garden, opposite Araj, Artesh Highway,Tehran,