School of Astronomy (SoA) Weekly Seminar


Magnetothermal condensation modes including the effects of charged particles and cosmic-ray diffusion

Mohsen Shadmehri
(Department of Mathematical Physics, National University Ireland, Dublin, Ireland)



Abstract: We study magnetothermal instability in the ionized plasmas including the effects of Ohmic, ambipolar and Hall diffusion. Magnetic field in the single fluid approximation does not allow transverse thermal condensations, however, non-ideal effects highly diminish the stabilizing role of the magnetic field in thermally unstable plasmas. Therefore, enhanced growth rate of thermal condensation modes in the presence of the diffusion mechanisms speed up the rate of structure formation. Then, we extend our analysis to include charged dust particles. Our linear analysis shows that the growth rate of the unstable modes in the presence of dust particles strongly depends on the ratio of the cooling rate and the modified dust-cyclotron frequency. If the cooling rate is less than the modified dust-cyclotron frequency, then the growth rate of the condensation modes does not modify due to the existence of the charged dust particles. But, when the cooling rate is greater than (or comparable to) the modified dust-cyclotron frequency, the growth rate of unstable modes increases because of the dust particles.  In order to analysis possible effects of cosmic-rays (CRs) on the thermal instability, CRs and the thermal plasma are treated as two different interacting fluids, in which CRs can diffuse along the magnetic field lines. We show that the growth rate of the magnetothermal condensation mode is reduced because of the existence of CRs, and this stabilizing effect depends on the diffusion coefficient and the ratio of CR pressure to gas pressure. Thus, a slower rate of structure formation via thermal instability is predicted when CRs
are considered



Wednesday / 22-July-2009 / 31-Tir-1388/ 2:00 PM

IPM Larak Building, School of Astronomy

Address: Larak Garden, opposite Araj, Artesh Highway,Tehran, Iran




