IPM Cosmology Seminar- Extra session

The LSST project (Large Synoptic Survey Telescope)


Marc Moniez (LAL, France)

The LSST is a leading project for cosmology, which will provide precise measurements of the cosmological parameters within the next decade. It consists of a 8.4 meter diameter telescope, equipped with a very wide field 3 Gigapixel multi-CCD camera. This device will scan the southern sky every third night during 10 years, up to magnitude 24.5. Many scientific domains are accessible with this equipment, with a special mention for cosmology: the search for supernovae, the weak-lensing and the baryonic oscillation studies, and also the search for hidden matter will be the priorities of the french IN2P3 teams now involved in the project. Some of the technical challenges such as the real-time measurement of the atmospheric transmission and the redshift determination by multi-band photometry will be described.



Wednesday 27-May-2009 / 6-Khordad-1388/ 12:30 PM


IPM Larak Building, School of Astronomy and Astrophysics

Address: Larak Garden, opposite Araj, Artesh Highway,Tehran, Iran


