Cosmology Seminar


Characteristics angular scales on the CMB map

(Shahid Beheshti Univ & IPM)



Wednesday 29-April-2009 / 9- Ordibehesht- 1388 / 2:00 PM

IPM Larak Building, School of Astronomy

Address:Larak Garden, opposite Araj, Artesh Highway,Tehran, Iran
Temperature fluctuations on the last scattering surface detected by cosmic
microwave background radiations are a milestone in modern cosmology. From
cosmological point of view as well as statistical analysis considerations,
correlations and statistical properties of mentioned fluctuations can be
considered as a unique tool to identify the evolution of our universe and
cosmological parameters. Angular scales from various points of view may give
a novel approach to go beyond our understanding about the universe and
establish new standard tools to check the isotropy and homogeneity in large
scales. In this talk, I am going to summarize my recent results given by
different analysis methods for characteristic angular scales on the CMB map
observed by WMAP mission.

