Cosmology Seminar


Solar system tests do not rule out 1/R gravity






Qasem Exirifard (IPM) 



Wednesday 25 Day 1387/ 14 Jan. 2009 , 2 PM


IPM Larak Building, School of Astronomy and Astrophysics

Address:Larak Garden, opposite Araj, Artesh Highway,Tehran, Iran


Abstract: We argue that Solar system tests do not rule out 1/R gravity at least due to the reason addressed in Phys. Rev. D 74 (2006) 121501 [astro-ph/0610483] (ref. [1]) and subsequent published papers.
Ref. [1] has not only modified the Einstein-Hilbert action but also has changed the boundary conditions since they altered the equations of motion. In Einstein-Hilbert action equations are second order, so the fall off of the fields suffices to single out a unique solution. In 1/R gravity the equations are fourth order, so we should impose additional boundary conditions. Perhaps the boundary condition we must impose is that the abrupt change in the second derivative of the metric near the surface of the Sun remains intact by adding `1/R' corrections to the equations of motion. The solution of 1/R gravity with this boundary condition remains consistent with the solar system tests.









