Cosmology Seminar


Two New Diagnostics of Dark Energy


Arman Shafiloo ,IUCAA 


Tuesday 19 Shahrivar/ 9 Sep. – 10 am


IPM Farmanieh seminar room


Abstract: We introduce two new diagnostics of dark energy (DE). The first, "Om", is a combination of the Hubble parameter and the cosmological redshift and provides a null test of dark energy being a cosmological constant. Namely, if the value of Om(z) is the same at different redshifts, then DE is exactly cosmological constant. The slope of Om(z) can differentiate between different models of dark energy even if the value of the matter density is not accurately known. For DE with an unevolving equation of state, a positive slope of Om(z) is suggestive of Phantom (w < -1) while a negative slope indicates Quintessence (w > -1). The second diagnostic, "acceleration probe" (q-probe), is the mean value of the deceleration parameter over a small redshift range. It can be used to determine the cosmological redshift at which the universe began to accelerate, again without reference to the current value of the matter density. We apply the "Om" and "q-probe" diagnostics to the Union data set of type Ia supernovae.

based on : arXiv:0807.3548
Varun Sahni, Arman Shafieloo, Alexei A. Starobinsky


