New Appointment
 The Square Killometer Array Observatory (SKAO) is the largest radio telescope in the world. The SKA telescopes, which are currently under construction in two remote sites in Western Asutrallia and South Africa, will transform our understanding of the Universe, tackling some of the most fundamental scientific questions of our time. The SKAO office has been recently appointed Prof. Fatemeh Tabatabaei as new co- chair of the ExGal Continuum Science Working Group (SWG). This IPM faculty has founded and has been leading the Interstellar/Intergalactic Medium Structure Focus Group at this SWG over the last few years. This new appointment took place with SKAO moving into an exciting phase of construction and commissioning with plenty of opportunities ahead to engage in early science. Hence, leading the ExGal Continuum SWG brings a very important responsibility in this phase.
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