The nearby spiral galaxy IC 342 provides an opportunity to study the link between cosmic rays, magnetic fields, and star formation in detail. In this paper we analyzed data from LOFAR, VLA and Herschel space observatory to investigate how radio and far-infrared emissions correlate across different regions of the galaxy. The results show that cosmic rays, which are energetic particles generated by supernova explosions, travel through the interstellar medium following magnetic field lines. This propagation affects how energy is distributed and how far-infrared and radio emissions remain connected. The study also reveals that the strength of this correlation depends on the spatial scale and is influenced by factors such as star formation activity and magnetic field strength. These findings help scientists understand the mechanisms shaping galaxies on small and large scales.
Radio–FIR Correlation: A Probe into Cosmic Ray Propagation in the Nearby Galaxy IC 342
Nasirzadeh, Tabatabaei