School of Astronomy
Astronomy is described as the study of the universe beyond the
Earth's atmosphere. It is a science driven by observations with
strong links to physics, and many other branches of basic
sciences. Technology and its advances play key role in astronomy.
School of astronomy was established in early 2007 to facilitate
the growth of observational astronomy and cosmology in a
coherent fashion.

Over the past few decades the perception of astronomical and
cosmological research has been shifted to theoretical
astrophysics and cosmology, a consequence of lack of investment
in observational facilities and its related technology.
School Strategy plan
Our aim is to play a prominent role in astronomy research both
within Iran and internationally. It will certainly be impossible
to master all the branches of astronomy and cosmology given the
absence of world class resources and facilities. Given the
present expertise and resources available within IPM, Extra-galactic
astronomy forms the core of the observational program but
the school fosters other studies and developments in exo-planet
sciences, computational astrophysics. The
emphasis on observational studies does not prevent the school of
paying attention to the theoretical studies and thus a strong
early universe cosmology group has been established in 2012.
Under the general title of the extra-galactic astronomy, the
focus has been on formation and evolution of galaxies, through
structural studies or star formation indicators,
galaxy-environment-IGM connection, AGN activities and feedback,
mass mapping (strong, weak lensing and X-ray) of galaxy systems
and galaxy halos involving observational and numerical studies.
Our approach involves multi-wavelength observations across the
spectrum from radio to X-ray, of systems ranging from dwarf
galaxies to galaxy clusters, with a special interest in the
application of novel analysis techniques to get the most out of
our data.